Wonder how the river's looking?
Our weather in the UK is extremely unpredictable, and on rivers such as the Wye where the upper reaches are exposed to such a contrast in climate to the lower, the river conditions where you're going to fish can change in a flash. A cold injection of water or a rise of just a couple of inches can throw all your plans out of the window. Keeping an eye on river gauges on the tributaries, or the live pictures from the webcams, can help you build a mental picture of what to expect when you get to the bank, allowing you to swap that float rod for a feeder rod, or the floating line for an intermediate. Most importantly is knowing if the river is due to rise - if you've waded across waist deep water to fish a certain pool or run, you need to know if you can make it back! Take care out there and enjoy watching how the weather effects our rivers.